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U.S. infrastructure plan to boost electric vehicles and clean energy industries

Release time:2024-09-19click:0
Biden unveiled the plan in Pittsburgh on March 31. It is part of the U.S.'s $2.25 trillion infrastructure and economic stimulus blueprint, which aims to promote investment in the clean energy economy and encourage the development of curbing global economic stimulus. Low-emission technologies needed for warming. "This is a once-in-a-generation investment opportunity in America, and it's unlike anything we've seen or done before," Biden said. "It's a bold plan, but we can get it done."
Biden asked Congress to allocate special funds to provide electric vehicle tax rebates, establish charging stations, and promote electric school buses, so that more people will begin to accept electric vehicles. The White House said it would invest approximately $147 billion to promote electric vehicles.
Biden’s proposed blueprint also requires Congress to continue to provide tax incentives to encourage consumers to buy electric vehicles. Current tax deductions are available up to $7,500. However, it should be noted that Tesla and General Motors have exceeded the upper limit of 200,000 vehicles per automaker. After this number is exceeded, the discounts available to consumers will gradually decrease.
The White House said Biden is asking Congress to "give consumers tax incentives when they buy American-made electric vehicles, while also ensuring that all families can afford such vehicles. . He also required that these vehicles be produced by workers with excellent skills."
The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, an industry association representing General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen and other major automakers, said they are committed to achieving zero emissions in the future. That includes the transition to electric vehicles. The association, whose members also include suppliers and technology companies, plan to invest $250 billion in vehicle electrification by 2023.
A White House official said on March 31 that Biden’s plan does not require auto companies to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles. Some U.S. lawmakers have called on Biden to follow the lead of California, which last year announced plans to stop selling new gasoline-powered passenger cars by 2035. Many lawmakers and union officials worry that phasing out gasoline vehicles could significantly reduce jobs in the auto industry.
On March 31, United Auto Workers (UAW) President Rory Gamble said in a statement: “If we don’t transition to a green economy in the right way, workers will "The reality is that if we want to successfully transition to electric vehicles, we will suffer disproportionate losses."We still have a long way to go in terms of battery technology, charging infrastructure, and market demand. ”
Biden currently has not fulfilled one of his campaign promises, which was to increase taxes on the wealthy and did not raise the top marginal tax rate or capital gains tax. A report released by the White House A 25-page briefing shows that Biden's plan will increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and amend the tax code to close loopholes that allow companies to move profits overseas. Biden said its goal is not to "target." "The rich, but to address the divisions and inequalities exacerbated by the epidemic.
A senior government official said that the plan will spread the cost of the project over eight years, with the goal of It would be paid in full within 15 years and would not increase the national debt in the long term. Biden's initiative would also extend tax credits that benefit wind, solar and other renewable energy projects for another 10 years, a plan that still needs to pass Congress. Approved.

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